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We spend a lot of time and money researching, writing, building, testing, and recommending to get you the information that you need. That comes free to you, and it always will. We don’t pepper you with ads. We don’t take bribes from sponsors. We don’t charge you for information.

You can help us do what we do by supporting us in a couple of ways:

Purchase a Para Bellum Arms Firearm

If you are in the market for a new AR, Para Bellum Arms offers a wide array of pistol caliber, AR-15, and AR-10 firearms, including pistols, carbines, and rifles in different stock finish levels and full custom options.  If you want to support us this way, head over to our store!

Use Our Affiliate Links

Wherever we recommend a particular product, we try to establish a relationship with the manufacturer or supplier.  Sometimes, we are able to establish an affiliate relationship and you will see affiliate links embedded in our content.  By clicking these links, Para Bellum is credited with any purchases that you make, and we may earn a small commission.  Using our affiliate links DOES NOT COST YOU ANYTHING, but it does support the work that we do.

Buy Something From Our Friends

If you have no need for purchasing a gun from us or any products that we link to, you can always support the work that we do by starting your online shopping using our affiliate links.  It doesn’t matter what you buy, if you start here, you will be helping us and it won’t cost you a penny more.

Buy Us A Beer

We stay up late researching, building, testing, photographing, and writing. We usually have a beer in front of us. If you appreciate what we do, buying us a beer is great way to say “thanks!” and an awesome way to keep us going.

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