Guiding Principles


Our vision is simple: a battle-worthy firearm in the qualified and capable hands of every willing defender of our individual and collective God-given liberties.


Para Bellum

To help the average person with AR ownership, through education, guidance, and objective recommendations.

We strive to be the most complete and trusted resource for the AR community.

Para Bellum Arms

To bring affordable, high-quality, and fully-customizable and -upgradable AR rifles, carbines, and pistols to the masses.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Arms Dealer

To provide friendly, customer-focused services for the purchase and transfer of firearms and regulated firearm components.

Para bellum.” Prepare for war.

More completely, “si vis pacem, para bellum.” If you want peace, prepare for war.

This is a loose translation of work by Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus that actually read “igitur quī dēsīderat pācem, præparet bellum“; translated, “therefore let him who desires peace prepare for war.”

We are firm believers in the heart of this statement. In our application, the best defense against invasion and tyranny is a well-armed and -practiced populus. Our forefathers knew this and proved this to be true.

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What's In a Name?

We Educate

Para Bellum is dedicated to getting ARs into the hands of as many people as possible.  Part of that process is educating the consumer.  Before you buy an AR, you should understand the legal implications and safe practices.  You should understand how it works and how to maintain it.  You should understand how to train with it.

And if you choose not to buy from us, that’s OK.  If you want to build your own, that’s awesome; we’ll teach you everything you need to know to build the best gun for your money.

If you question our dedication to education, note that the majority of our site is dedicated to teaching and sharing our experience.

Para Bellum Arms (PBA) builds high quality firearms, from enhanced Mil-Spec carbines, to pistol caliber ARs, to competition carbines and match grade rifles.

PBA has curated a quality collection of standard firearm models based on proven combinations of components, rigorously tested as a system.

PBA builds full-custom firearms to customer specifications on industry leading platforms from Aero Precision. We offer enough component options to most budgets and to satisfy any use case. And if you don’t see the component options you want, we’ll work with you to source just about anything. We take selection seriously. That’s what “custom” is about.

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We Build Guns

We Transfer Guns

Your Friendly Neighborhood Arms Dealer (YFNAD; pronounced “yif-nad”) transfers firearms and regulated components to other FFLs and consumers.

We will help you navigate the complexity of purchasing and shipping a firearm.

YFNAD is the only authorized “dealer” of PBA firearms.

Dipping a toe into the world of NFA items (a.k.a. “Class 3”) can be scary. But it shouldn’t be.

Para Bellum Arms can manufacture your dream short barreled rifle (SBR) for you, and YFNAD will help you complete all of the necessary paperwork with the ATF to register it LEGALLY.

YFNAD helps our customers navigate the government processes for the purchase of restricted items, like suppressors (“silencers”), short barreled rifles and shotguns, and fully-automatic weapons.

We Do NFA / Class 3

The Brands We Use

Para Bellum has established relationships with many top manufacturers/brands.  We establish these relationships based on specific criteria, including fit with our mission/priorities, quality, value, and supply dependability.

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