Upper Receiver Assembly (AR-9, AR-15, and AR-10/LR108)

Step U8: Handguard Installation

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Objective: In Step U8 of upper receiver assembly, we will install the handguard onto the upper receiver.

Tools Required

Components Required

1Upper Receiver
1Handguard (incl. mounting hardware)


Step U8.0: Remove Existing Handguard (replacement/upgrade only)

If you are replacing your handguard (or need to remove the handguard for any other reason), first ensure the firearm is unloaded.

Loosen the bolts, screws, or clamps securing the handguard to the upper receiver and slide the handguard off of the firearm.

Step U8.1: Install the Handguard onto the Upper Receiver

Install the handguard according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Attach with the appropriate bolts, screws, or clamps.

Step U8.2: Torque the Handguard


Set the torque driver to the appropriate torque setting per the handguard manufacturer’s instructions. Insert the appropriate driver bit into the driver. The Aero Precision Enhanced Handguards require a Torx T15 bit and 25 in. lbs.

Torque each screw/bolt until the torque drive slips.

If the handguard is installed with opposing screws, gently tighten in a cross pattern (one screw, then opposing screw, etc.) and then torque in a cross pattern.

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