Scorpio-10 Duty and Competition Lower

The Scorpio-10DC (Duty and Competition) is our top end stock model in the AR-10 rifle series.

The DC lower, once again, builds upon its predecessors, this time focused on the performance components of the lower. We upgrade the buttstock (again), trigger (again), buffer system, and pivot/takedown pins (again). The result is a duty-reliable and competition-performance gun.

Assembled in the USA using parts manufactured in the USA.

SKU: SCO10-LR-DC Categories: , Tags: ,

Our lowers are assembled by SOTAR-trained master armorers in North Carolina using components manufactured exclusively in the USA.


The Scorpio-10DC lower makes substantial improvements to the FC model intended to improve the performance and ergonomics of an already great weapon system.

The Scorpio-10DC retains the following features of the FC model:

  • Aero Precision M5 Stripped Lower Receiver
    • The Aero M5 lower has the best combination of features, quality, and value for an AR-10.  It offers unlimited potential for a build.
  • Everything Mil-Spec or Better
    • We build our lowers with true Mil-Spec or better components.  It is important to emphasize this because many claim to use Mil-Spec components, but use components made of inferior materials/quality.  We refuse to cut corners to save a buck.
  • Grip: ERGO Tactical Deluxe Pistol Grip
    • The grip of a rifle should be beefier than the grip of a carbine.  It should fit nicely into a relaxed hand and have a place to rest your thumb.  The ERGO Tactical Deluxe grip fits the bill perfectly for a precision rifle.
  • Magazine Release Button: Odin Works XMR3 Extended Magazine Release Button
    • You’re gonna drop a mag every 30 rounds or so. When that bolt locks back, you’re out of commission. Finding and engaging the mag release button stands between your last pew and your next pew. While practice is important, design of the magazine release button can help. For the FC and DC level, we move up to the Odin Works XMR3.
  • Pivot/Takedown Pins: Battle Arms Development Steel Enhanced Pin Set
    • Pivot and takedown pins aren’t sexy and you may not use them often. But when you do, you want disassembly of the receivers to be a piece of cake. For the FC and DC levels, we upgrade the pins to Battle Arms Development pivot/takedown pins, which are slightly longer, have an improved grip surface, and have depressions on the left side of the receiver to aid in disengaging.
  • Safety Selector: Radian Talon Ambidextrous Safety Selector
    • We like to be able to control our weapon from either side of the receiver. Most people do. For the FC and DC levels, we move up to the gold standard in safeties: the Radian Talon.


The DC model includes the following upgrades to the FC model:

  • Ambidextrous Bolt Release: Magpul Battery Assist Device (B.A.D.) Lever
    • The ability to engage and disengage the bolt catch with your shooting hand has many benefits. The Magpul B.A.D. is the O.G. and our favorite option (it also doesn’t require you to cut your lower).
  • Buffer System: JP Enterprises Standard Weight Silent Capture Spring (SCS2)
    • The buffer spring is one of the most forgotten/neglected components of the AR, but is also one of the most important. The JP Enterprises SCS2 is the undeniable king of competition buffer systems, offering reliability, performance, and reputation above all others. We use the standard weight, because that it what JP recommends for the parameters of our Spatha-10 firearm. Note that if you plan to shoot suppressed or you are building an SBR or piston operated upper, you should move up to the H2 model (we offer this in the Spatha-10DCH Lower).
  • Buffer Retainer Pin: JP Enterprises BRP
    • This may not seem like much of an upgrade. But getting the SCS2 out of a receiver extension with a standard buffer retainer pin is a pain; and without a buffer retainer pin, you’ll probably be scooping your SCS2 out of the dirt more than once. The JP Enterprises BRP is specifically design for use with the SCS2 buffer system, and eliminates both issues.
  • Buttstock: Magpul PRS Buttstock
    • For those who want the gold standard in AR rifle stock, you can do no better than the Magpul PRS.  While this stock adds significant weight over the Luth-AR MBA-1 and MBA2 stocks, it makes up for it in adjustability and stability.
  • Trigger: Timney AR-15 Competition, 3lb Trigger
    • Timney has been making triggers for a LONG time.  Anybody in the game can attest to the precision and quality of the AR-15 Competition trigger.  The light pull of the 3lb version is ideal for a precision rifle.
  • Trigger/Hammer Pins: Kaw Valley Precision Anti-Walk Pins
    • When using a cassette style trigger, we always use AWPs.  Kaw Valley is the only brand that we have found who manufactures these from 4140 steel (everyone else we’ve evaluated uses softer stainless steel).  Maybe its overkill; but these will never fail.


Critical finishes and dimensions of individual components are inspected before they we accept them into inventory.  To learn more about our quality control gauging and inspection, visit our Quality Promise page.

Each upper receiver includes the following assembly and QC steps (full schedule of all 82 points of inspection for our builds can be found in our Quality Promise page):

  • Receiver extension (buffer tube) threads lubricated with AeroShell.
  • Receiver extension torqued to 37 ft. lbs.
  • Trigger sear, hammer sear notch, hammer hook, and disconnector honed, as necessary.
  • Full lubrication per our standard procedure.
  • Full safety and function check per our standard procedure.
  • Live fire test with M193 or M855.


The tables below detail what we put in the lower and what you are paying.

Scorpio-10DC Lower Receiver (Black)


Scorpio-10DC Lower Receiver (FDE)


For detailed material specifications for the components, see our Build Kit Spec Sheet.

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 8 × 4 in
Country of Origin

Assembled in North Carolina using parts manufactured exclusively in the USA


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